Course curriculum

    1. Opening

    2. Learning Plan & Learning Outcomes

    3. Reference Books

    1. 1.1.1 Business Agility - Drivers and Criticality

    2. 1.1.1 Teach back VUCA (Exercise)

    3. Business Disruption (Video)

    4. 1.1.2 Business Agility - Values, Principles and Dimensions

    5. 1.1.2 Domains of Business Agility for your Context (Exercise)

    6. 1.1.3 Case for Change - Empowering Teams

    7. 1.1.3 Critical Success Factors of a High Performing Team (Exercise)

    8. Building a Psychological Safe Work Environment (Video)

    9. 1.1.3 Psychological Safety Audit Questions (Exercise)

    10. Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (Video)

    11. Agile Team Chartering Workshop to Establish TWA (Exercise)

    12. 1.1.3 Organizational Blockers and Enablers for Team Agility (Exercise)

    13. 1.1.4 Case for Change - Customer Value and Continuous Learning

    14. 1.1 Awareness - The Need for Business Agility (Exercise)

    15. 1.1 Action Plan - The Need for Business Agility

    16. 1.2.1 Compelling Vision and Clarity of Purpose

    17. 1.2.1 Visioning – Postcard from the Future (Exercise)

    18. 1.2.2 Focusing on the Big Picture & Emerging Future as an Agile Business

    19. The Business Model Canvas (Video)

    20. BMC Business Model Canvas (Video)

    21. 1.2.2 Backcasting (Exercise)

    22. 1.2.3 Understanding Customers, Stakeholders, Business & Emerging Markets

    23. 1.2.3 Create a Persona via Persona Canvas (Exercise)

    24. 1.2.3 Impacts of Change (Exercise)

    25. 1.2 Action Plan - Compelling Vision & Clarity of Purpose

    1. 2.1.1 Developing a Growth Mindset

    2. 2.1.1 Growth Mindset in Business Agility Context (Exercise)

    3. 2.1.2 Blind Spots, Mental Models, Patterns and Sense Making

    4. The Ladder of Inference (Video)

    5. 2.1.3 Relationship Between Complexity and Business Agility

    6. 2.1.3 Complexity vs Business Agility (Exercise)

    7. 2.1.4 Recognizing and Managing Dilemmas, Paradoxes & Polarities

    8. 2.1.4 What are Some Examples of Polarity in Business? (Exercise)

    9. 2.1 Action Plan - New Ways of Thinking

    10. 2.2.1 Ask vs. Tell: High-Performance Questions

    11. 2.2.1 High Performance Questioning Practice (Exercise)

    12. 2.2.2 Making Value Visible

    13. 2.2.2 Prioritizing a Backlog using WSJF (Exercise)

    14. 2.2.3 Experimenting and Hypothesis Testing

    15. 2.2.3 Hypothesis Statements (Exercise)

    16. 2.2.3 Experimenting and Hypothesis Testing (Exercise)

    17. 2.2.4 Complex Dynamics of Change, Polarities, Systemic Problems and Disruptive Threats

    18. Lean Change Management (Video)

    19. Switch: How to Change Things when Change is Hard (Video)

    20. 2.2.4 Create a Lean Change Canvas (Exercise)

    21. 2.2 Action Plan - New and Differentiating Behaviors

    1. 3.1.1 Lean Systems Thinking

    2. Value Stream Mapping (Video)

    3. 3.1.1 Value Stream Mapping Exercise (Exercise)

    4. 3.1.2 Lean Startup and Canvases

    5. 3.1.2 Lean Startup - MVP Exercise (Exercise)

    6. How to Fill in a Lean Canvas? (Video)

    7. 3.1.3 Design Thinking Approaches

    8. Brené Brown on Empathy (Video)

    9. 3.1.3 Employ Design Thinking Techniques (Exercise)

    10. 3.1.4 Flow-based Values and Systems

    11. 3.1.4 Optimize the Whole (Exercise)

    12. 3.1.4 Produce a Kanban Board (Exercise)

    13. 3.1.5 Iterative Framework and Sampling of Practices

    14. 3.1.5 Putting Scrum Together (Exercise)

    15. 3.1 Action Plan - Frameworks, Tools and Techniques

    16. 3.2.1 Creating Space for Optimal Engagement and Value Creation

    17. 3.2.1 Action Plan - Business Agility Environment

    18. 3.2.2 Continually Reinventing

    19. 3.2.3 One Minute Elevator Speech for Learning Agility (Exercise)

    20. 3.2.3 Measures of Success

    21. 3.2.3 Teach Back - Lagging vs Leading Indicator (Exercise)

    22. 3.2.3 What is Your OMTM to Business Agility? (Exercise)

    23. 3.2.4 Action Plans to Accelerate Business Agility

    24. 3.2.4 Action Plan - Business Agility as the New Normal

About this course

  • $8,898.00
  • 118 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content