DevOps CTF Continuous Testing Foundation
Continuous Testing enables faster, higher quality releases and reduced costs by seamlessly integrating into the Continuous Delivery process.
1.1 DevOps Testing Definition
1.2 How the DevOps Testing Relates to DevOps
1.3 Types of Testing
Exercise - DevOps Testing Taxonomy Exercise
1.4 Benefits of DevOps Testing
Module 1 Quiz
2.1 Characteristics of a Preferred Culture for DevOps Testing
2.2 Implementation Strategies for DevOps Testing Culture
2.3 How to Diagnose and Correct Culture for DevOps Testing
Module 2 Quiz
3.1 DevOps Testing with Waterfall, Agile, and ITSM Test Strategies
3.2 Five Tenets of DevOps Testing
3.3 Culture for DevOps Testing
3.4 DevOps Testing Process and Workflow Practices
3.5 DevOps Test Infrastructures
3.6 Test Environment Orchestration and Test Automation
3.7 Test Strategies
Module 3 Quiz
4.1 Purpose of DevOps Testing Frameworks
4.2 Integrate DevOps Testing into DevOps Pipelines
4.3 Popular DevOps Testing Frameworks
4.4 Methodology for Selection of DevOps Testing Frameworks
4.5 Purpose and Types of DevOps Testing Test Tools
4.6 Example of DevOps Testing Test Tools
4.7 Choices for Integrating DevOps Testing Test Tools
Exercise - Pipeline Test Frameworks and Test Tools
4.8 Selection Criterion for DevOps Testing Test Tools
Module 4 Quiz
5.1 DevOps Test Planning Best Practices
5.2 DevOps Test Case Best Practices
5.3 DevOps Test Suite Best Practices
Exercise - Test Case Scoring Exercise
Module 5 Quiz